Gospel Of John 2023-24

Study Season in the Gospel of John  (beginning week of Sept 10 2023)


Jesus asked his followers: "Who do you say that I am..." Sadly, more than half of professing believers in Jesus have a hard time explaining who Jesus is and what He means to their life. 

This season, BSF is leading our groups in a deep dive into the Gospel of John. If there is one Gospel that any believers should be proficient and clear about, Bible teachers often point to this Gospel. John tells us who Jesus is and is not, what He came to do, how he did it, what he wanted us to know about God, our cure from sin, our role in His Kingdom, and our eternal destiny - and John explains this with great clarity.  


In the opening chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus Christ is revealed to us as fully God and fully man, as the Creator of the Universe, as the Light of God giving illumination to us in our darkness (John 1). John explains that Jesus is the fulfillment of all God's covenant to His people as the perfect Lamb of God who came to take away the sins of the world. In the rest of the book, John takes a selection of important events in Jesus's ministry to explain how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies regarding God's Messiah. Jesus teaches, confirms His identity by miraculous signs, and admonishes and corrects us in our errors and distortions. The final chapters tell us how much we are loved by God, how precious believers are to Jesus as His cherished Church, and He prays for us before He ascends the cross to fulfill all justice and righteousness on our behalf. He rises again, just as He had said, telling us that this is only the beginning. The start of something bigger. More consequential to everything coming ahead than we can properly imagine or understand right now.

There is so much more to discover this season. Come join us online or In-Person. 

In-person and online groups meet at our host facility at 1st Baptist Church (Hayes Valley, SF) on Tuesday nights 6:50-8:30pm. Online participants receive a Zoom link by request made to their group leader. Satellite groups hosted by various other churches meet throughout the city at different times of the week. A list of satellite groups is below. To join a satellite group, email biblestudyinsf@gmail.com for details.

BSF has a 4-fold approach to Bible Study

1. Answer lesson questions for each week on your own. The workbook is available in pdf, MSWord, and in print in your membership portal page after you sign up. BSF is always free.

2. Discuss your insights in a conversation with members of your discussion group in person or on-line. Only those who have completed their questions are asked to participate in discussions.

3. Listen to a short lecture that explains the passage, key principles from the lesson and how we might apply the Bible's truths to our lives.

4. Read lesson notes that further elaborate on the passage.


BSF can be a powerful addition to your discipleship and Bible learning programs. To learn more about how to start a local BSF satellite group at your church or facility, write us at biblestudyinsf@gmail.com, and a staff person will get in touch with you. If you would like to join one of the group locations below, contact us and we'll get you connected with the satellite group coordinator!